Friday 29 July 2016

8 Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat..

8 Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat..

Belly fat is the most irritating accumulation of fat around the abdomen region. This is a dangerous health hazard because it can cause many internal problems. The most frequent problems faced by people with belly fat are high cholesterol, heart stroke, hypertension, heart attack, diabetes and many others. Do ab exercises and crunches or choose to do cardiovascular exercises along with a weight loss diet.

The Lemonade Detox Diet – Simple Recipe For Weight Loss

The Lemonade Detox Diet – Simple Recipe For Weight Loss

The Lemon Diet, also known as the master cleanse, is a diet resulting in rapid weight loss over a period of several days to about a week. Lemons being rich in antioxidants and vitamins, helps to detox the body. Thus, it is very important to introduce citrus fruits like lemon, grapefruit, oranges and kiwi in your daily diet.

16 Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

16 Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

Are you finding it difficult to fit into your little black number? Is belly fat giving you sleepless nights? If your answer is yes, then you need to make some lifestyle changes to solve it. Abdominal fat can take serious proportions if not curbed at the right time. No doubt, belly fat looks aesthetically displeasing, but what is more important is its affect on long term health.

It is very tough to remove visceral or abdominal fat especially, if the person happens to be really obese. If you are determined to lose belly fat, you have to make some sacrifices and be very patient. Forget your favourite pizzas and cakes; instead focus on green leafy vegetables and high fiber foods if you want to flaunt a slim waistline.

17 Free Weight Exercises for Toned Arms

17 Free Weight Exercises for Toned Arms

So you want toned arms? You’ll have to work them hard — biceps, triceps and shoulders. All you need to turn those arms into sculpted works of art is a pair of free weights. Not quite sure what to do? Well, here are 17 free weight exercises will tone your arms in no time. Combine these exercises with a healthy diet and detox water for success.

Drink 2 Cups A Day For 14 Days And Have A Flat Stomach!

Drink 2 Cups A Day For 14 Days And Have A Flat Stomach!

Having extra weight is a problem which many of us are facing and try to find a solution for it without much success. While searching for options and possible solution for extra weight, I stumbled upon this weight loss recipe that claims to shrink waistline in just 14 days.  The weight loss drink recipe has the ingredients which are easily available so it is not a problem to make it and drink it for two weeks.

The recipe has grapefruit, apple cider vinegar and honey which all have proven properties to help lose body fat. By eating good healthy clean food, doing some workout and drinking this weight loss drink is the best option to shed extra pounds on fat around your waist.

The weight loss drink  recipe share here might be the best solution to shrink your waistline and lose some weight in 14 days.


You need the following ingredients for this weight loss drink:

1 tablespoon of honey
1 cup grapefruit juice
2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar

If you do not have grapefruit juice, then peel one grapefruit and cut it in small pieces. Put the grapefruit juice/grapefruit pieces in a blender, add the apple cider vinegar and  honey. Start the blender and let all the ingredients blend for few minutes. Your weight loss drink is ready.

Drink this drink it every day in the morning and evening before meal. You will see the results in 14 days.   After 14 days take a  7-days break. If you are not happy with the results then drink two cups of this drink for other two weeks for better results.

Thursday 28 July 2016

30 Simple Exercises to Reduce Tummy

30 Simple Exercises to Reduce Tummy

Do you want to reduce your tummy fat? Tummy is a result of obesity but don’t worry we are here to help you. To reduce tummy fat most of the people choose dieting but they don’t know their side effects. The only way to lose the tummy is the exercise. Many people spend lots of money on different products that assure them to lose the belly fat, but all these are not helpful for them. Hence, today in this article we are telling you about the best exercises that are very helpful for reducing tummy fat.

5 Benefits of Abdominal Belt

5 Benefits of Abdominal Belt

Are you worried about the weight you would put on post your pregnancy? Wondering how you can trim down your body flab and get back into the perfect shape you once had? Then abdominal belts are something that anybody would strongly recommend.

These belts help strengthen the weak muscles and accelerate the process of slimming down. So what are the benefits of abdominal belts? Read to find out!

9 Science Backed, Human Tested Weight Loss Rules

9 Science Backed, Human Tested Weight Loss Rules

When describing how you really feel about the latest miracle fix in the diet and fitness world, you’d probably be like What the f…? After all, how many times have you trusted logical sounding ideas, put all your faith in a diet strategy, only to find out that the time you invested was a waste and you still haven’t dropped the weight?

Consider this your What the f… free zone. No fads, no faking, and no frustration. You see, when you really dig into the science and research, most of what you have correctly assumed about dieting is in fact actually wrong. No, really, trust me on this when I say that your assumptions are all wrong.

So, take your time now and ‘re’-discover the truth here. The only thoughts after would be “Finally. Fat loss that works!”

5 Best Exercises To Torch Your Flabby Belly

5 Best Exercises To Torch Your Flabby Belly

We know that there’s no great magic to achieving the perfect 6 pack, but rather it’s about a lot of hard work and clean eating. We also know that no matter how badly we’d like to believe otherwise, there’s no such thing as spot training.

This doesn’t mean, however, that you shouldn’t be working out your abdominal muscles on a regular basis. They make up a very significant part of your core and if they aren’t engaging then you are doing yourself a big disservice.

8 Moves To Get Rid Of Your Thunder Thighs

8 Moves To Get Rid Of Your Thunder Thighs

Thighs can be such a problem area to some women. Sometimes, it seems that no matter what you do, this typical area cannot be toned or tightened. However, that is not the case.

As women, our hormones allow us to become more predisposed to storing fat around our midsection, hips, buttocks, and THIGHS! With a clean diet low in processed foods and the right exercises, you can help overcome the appearance of “thunder thighs.”

There is no way to spot reduce. I know what you are thinking. Yes, that is true. However, there are specific exercises out there to tone your entire thighs-including the inside!

Sunday 24 July 2016



When I stumbled upon the Victoria’s Secret model workout series over on XHIT Daily, I immediately shoved my daughter into her car seat and raced out to buy myself a yoga mat, a set of 5 lb hand weights, and a set of 2.5 lb ankle weights, and while I was promising my daughter she could have free reign of the toy department if she would just give me 5 more minutes to look at all of the other workout paraphernalia, a shelf of workout DVDs caught my eye.

I’d never done any at-home workout DVDs up until that point in my life, but I feel like everyone I know owns the entire Jillian Michaels catalogue, so I decided to grab a set.

Until I looked at the price tag.

I simply couldn’t justify the cost given my track record when it comes to adopting new fitness regimes, but while I was working on my Victoria’s Secret model arms later that night, I had the brilliant idea of looking to see if there were any free Jillian Michaels workout videos available on YouTube.

As it turns out, there’s a YouTube channel called BeFit that features TONS of workout DVDs by popular trainers, and they have so many Jillian Michaels workouts, I didn’t know where to start.



Summer on its way and a closet full of cute maxi dresses and capri pants I can no longer squeeze into, I’m on a mission to get my body back and I’ve put together a list of 8 tricks to help you AND me get back into a regular exercise routine so we can look amazing in time for swimsuit season.

1. Stop wearing comfortable clothes around the house
I love nothing more than lounging around in a pair of stretchy, bum-hugging yoga pants every single day, but I always find that I’m less likely to gorge on my beloved Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal if I’m wearing a pair of skinny jeans…especially when I’m also wearing a slightly-too-tight-for-me sweater that draws attention to my growing muffin top.

2. Tape a picture of yourself to your fridge and cupboards
There’s nothing more powerful than having a picture of a hotter, trimmer version of yourself staring at you every time you reach for the Twinkies. Don’t have a drool-worthy photo of yourself? No problem. Buy a health magazine, find someone else who has the body of your dreams, cut her photo out, replace her face with yours, and you now have one of the biggest weight loss motivators in the entire world at your fingertips!

3. Set a realistic weight loss goal
Whether you want to shed those last pesky pounds of baby weight or squeeze into that new pair of skinny jeans, write your goal down on a Post-it note and stick it somewhere you’ll be sure to see it over and over and over again. Be sure to make it realistic so you don’t get discouraged, and each time you feel like quitting, stare at your goal until you find the motivation to keep going.



Every time I do butt workouts at the gym I can’t help but sing “I like big butts and I cannot lie” in my head. Just me? I was obsessed with Charlie’s Angels (the one with with Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu) when I was younger, and the scene with that song has to be one of the best in the movie. You know, the one where Cameron Diaz gets up on the Soul Train stage and shakes her butt for an unimpressed audience that eventually comes around to her old school “white girl” dancing. It’s a classic! But, I digress. With summer creeping up on our heels, having a toned beach bum just might be your ultimate goal, and there are certain exercises that will help you reach that goal just in time for bathing suit season!

Squats and lunges will only get you so far, and if you’re like me, you’re probably sick of your go-to squat routine. The thing is, squats and lunges really only use one of your three glute muscles – the gluteus maximus. So although you may feel sore after a squat-heavy workout, it’s also essential to work in other exercises that target all the muscles in your glutes. This way, you’ll get a fully sculpted back side, and toned legs to go along with it!

1. Butt Workout 2: Booty Booster by BeFit
As part of BeFit’s 30 Day Butt Lift, this workout is the ultimate booty booster. With a series of tush-toning exercises using dumbbells, the muscle-building combo burns fat, tones the glutes and legs and totally sculpts the lower body. It’s also a great cardio sequence and benefits everything from your core to your arms and legs – and of course your backside!

2. Home Butt Workout by womensworkoutchannel
For a rounder and more lifted butt, incorporate this 15-minute workout into your routine 2 or 3 times a week. It’s a cardio and strength workout that will make your thighs tremble and your tush burn – but hey, that’s how you know it’s working! It works both your butt and your legs for a sexy lower body. Plus, you can do it right in your living room. All you need is a couch or chair and a workout matt.



Since I know I’m not the only gal out there who wants to get back into shape in time for bikini season, today I’m teaming up with Symyx Elevate to share 7 common weight loss mistakes that make it difficult to lose weight.

If you’re trying to lose weight, one of the best things you can do for yourself is commit to at least 7.5 hours of sleep a night. Why? Because sleep deprivation slows your metabolism and causes your ghrelin and leptin levels to get out of whack, which often leads to overeating. So rather than reaching for that bag of chips at 10 pm, consider putting on your pajamas and getting a little extra shut eye instead. Your waistline will thank you.

The jury is still out on whether skipping breakfast causes weight gain, but personal experience has proven to me time and again that if I start my day off with a well-balanced, protein-rich meal (I usually have plain Greek yogurt with blueberries), I not only have more energy and feel more alert, but I’m also much less likely to crave a calorie-laden mid-morning snack.


10 fabulous at home hiit workouts that burn fat fast! (full workouts included!)

If you’re starting to see a plateau in your weight loss efforts and want some new and effective at home workouts that will help you increase your metabolism and burn fat fast, give one of these HIIT workouts for beginners I found on the FitnessBlender channel on YouTube a try!

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, involves intense periods of exercise followed by short recovery periods so you burn more fat in less time, and I’m seeing HUGE results after only 2 weeks. Give one a try today – you’ll be hooked in no time!

Don’t have an internet package that allows you to stream online workouts for hours on end each month? Check out some of Cathe Friedrich’s HIIT workouts on Amazon. She has loads of videos to choose from, and I highly recommend her Ripped with HiiT Discount Bundle!

Saturday 23 July 2016

3 Things You SHOULDN’T BE DOING Mid-Day At Work (if you want results)

There are 3 things you SHOULDN’T be doing RIGHT NOW if you are looking to increase your focus, energy and drive for the rest of the day. You want to know what they are?
1) DON’T go for that 2nd caffeine drink.
This lil cup-o-heaven WILL give you a quick shot of energy, but it will also mask your hunger for the nutritious food thus keeping you far away from what you need to maintain that hard earned muscle. Also, it will probably prevent you from getting the 7+ hours of sleep that you need tonight. AND since you will probably be wound up when you get home tonight,  you’ll more than likely need some wine to “clam down from your day,” and then…..the cycle repeats itself tomorrow all over again!

INSTEAD: OPT FOR green tea, a ton of water, and walk 5 flights of steps in your building. Think I’m nuts? Try it. It works EVERY TIME!    (REALIZE also that toning down your caffeine intake is a multiple day-long effort. At first your body will resist and you will want to fall back on old habits.  Stay strong, addicts. You can DO IT!

2) DON’T eat any food with white sugar or white carbs. 
Late day snacks tend to be sugary-crappy-convenience-foods. The prob is that these toxins take a ton of water to process through your body, leaving you super bloated. These quickie snacks also cause a SHARP spike in blood sugar, which when it finally comes crashing back down, you’re left tired, lethargic and…hungry for more sugar and white carbs. And, the cycle continues.
INSTEAD: OPT FOR a green smoothie or fruit or veggie based snack. This is NYC. You can get pretty much get anything you want delivered in 10 minutes. So enough with the excuses. WAIT, OR EVEN BETTER…go walk to the bodega or healthy food spot that is a little further away from your office! BOOM two birds with one stone!

3) DON’T forget to take 3 minute breathing break.  
Do this now. Stand up out of your chair, turn off your computer and phone (or turn away from them), and breathe.   Feel your body. Check-in with your self. Be present in the moment.  That’s it? YES.